Darktable black and white with orange filter
Darktable black and white with orange filter

darktable black and white with orange filter

Go crazy ! & have fun ! Ton's of help in all the forum. Keep the filters clean as they are out front of the lens AND will affect the recorded image if smugged or gunk is on them. As you select other film types, these "values" may change a bit, so "retest" the filters with a new film. Some testing on your part will be required for the filters you purchase. I use a G on just about all my outdoor work involving sky/clouds. Ansel Adams was the master of the scenic with a 25A. K2 has an almost unnoticeable effect on sky/clouds, but the G "pops" sky/clouds without looking like the 25A (red) "ink" skies, but the "ink" skies look very dramatic if done correctly. Try using your app for the beginning, but "train" your eye/brain to "see" the effect of each filter. My experience is K2= +1.0 f stop, G= 1.5 f stop & 25A = 4.5 f stop. Each filter will require additional exposure "increase". There may be different "gradings" but these are standards. Types & "grades" are: Yellow: (K-2), Orange (G) & Red (25A). just a flip phone, but 40+ years with b/w filters. No use here for using the phone app since I am the Luddite guy.

Darktable black and white with orange filter